lunedì 10 dicembre 2007

My Personal Learning Environment

I have to say that it was strange to think about my own learning environment. I always thought that I learn from some university lessons and by watching dvds only but, the truth is this is only a small part of the world where I take all the information from.
Making up my mind I realized I have a pretty much expanded learning environment. Of course, I learn many things during university lessons but, in my opinion, I learn even more in my freetime. In fact, you can see that in my mindmap(please click on to see it): There are a lot more "arms" in the freetime section as there are concerning the university environment due to the websites I often go to during my freetime such as Google, youtube ecc.
I've put two books under "learning/studying" which I really appreciate very much. One is about how to write commercial e-mails in English and the other one is about how to make commercial phone calls in English. In my opinion, it is very useful to be prepared in that field if you want to work with languages because sooner or later you will have to respond in English (to e-mails and phone calls). There are very good examples in those books and therefore, I hope I won't be freaking out when I will have to respond to a phone call at work one day...
I hope I managed well to upload and link my mindmap otherwise I'll try again and again or simply explain it to you in class.
See you all soon.

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