Of course, I knew about podcasts before doing this homework but I had no idea of its wide range of topics and sections!! I'm familiar with downloading music from the
iTunes musicstore and now, I can proudly announce I just downloaded my first podcast audiobook. It's not the first time that I listen to audiobooks but it's the first time I had one for free ;-)
I took
"Persuasion" by Jane Austen from
http://www.oculture.com/2006/10/audio_book_podc.html. There were many other books that I'm interested in , too. However, I chose
Persuasion because I still have this book at home from our first year in English literature (remember,right?) and so if there's something I don't understand I just look it up. If you go to this website you'll definitely find other novels ecc that might be useful to you. It's completely different to listen to a story than just to read it. In my opinion, you really have to concentrate on the readers' voices. I'm going to try it next time I will be on an airplane because, usually, the airplane noise really bothers me when I try to read something.
The second podcast I found nice was one about history (
http://www.historyonair.com/ ).
Here you can listen to articles about any kind of history and you can listen to it right away without downloading it. I chose an article about Elizabeth I. Not only can you listen to what the reader is saying but, you can also see a list of articles or websites where all the information was taken from ( just in case you need further information). I think audio files like this one are great because I can improove my English ( listening ability and comprehension exercise) and I can learn many things about history at the same time.
The third podcast I chose is from the New York Times newspaper. You can find all the audio files at
http://www.nytimes.com/ref/multimedia/podcasts.html. Unfortunately, I couldn't subscribe to this website in Bloglines but I put it into delicious anyway. The reason why I didn't want to renounce was that the language is quite elevated and the topics are very different from one another. Moreover, I liked the
Music Popcast. It's a review of the latest albums and music events. Well, you might think that there is nothing special about that but, in this case you can listen to the music too, which means that you can listen to the critics but you can immediately decide on yourself whether you like the album or not.
Last but not least I found a website where you can download university lessons from the University of Berkeley at
http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_feeds.php. To tell you the truth, I couldn't manage to listen to the audio files which makes me really sad :-(
But maybe you can and I think it's very useful. You can decide on different courses such as Biology, Engeneering etc. In my opinion, it can be very effective regarding the comprehension excercise. I experienced myself how very difficult it is to sit in a university classroom listening to professors that speak very quickly in a language which is not your mother tongue. When I attended the first lessons here in Italy I hardly understood anything! It was so difficult to follow an academic discourse on history or law. So I think it can really help to listen to this sort of podcast. I will try again and again to download the files...wish me luck!!!
I guess that's all for this time. Enjoy listening to my podcasts!!
See you soon. Caroline