Hi everyone!
Watching those videos really was great fun, wasn't it!? I have to say that I go to youtube regularly. I never shared videos. I usually just search for 'fun stuff' and music videos. I had never thought about using it for the purpose of improoving my English and, honestly, I prefer the other websites I mentioned last week and the week before for studying languages. I mean (like I always say) it's always useful to watch and listen to something in English but, in my opinion, youtube is more something for ones leisure time.
I personally would not use youtube for studying. However, you can get lots of information in there.

I personally would not use youtube for studying. However, you can get lots of information in there.
I like the wide range of things you can find and the division in categories. However, what makes me wonder most is how many people actually broadcast themselves!!! There are people making fun of themselves and everybody else and they put it online so that everyone can see it. They're sooo many. That's weird!! I just read that right now there are 52 milion videos on youtube. Wow!! That is something else in nowadays-society, the need to show yourself to the world.
See, what smart and clever people those three guys who invented youtube are. They knew that before anyone else or, at least, they knew what people were still missing in the web-world.
See you soon. Caroline
4 commenti:
Hello Caroline,
I have also never thought of YouTube as educational resource, as I wrote in my post. I think it can be quite useful to have this alternative to movies or podcasts, radios or other tools, but we have to remember that not all of what is said is correct, right? That’s why I agree with you that YouTube will probably continue on being more the entertaining tool then educational☺. On the other hand it’s great for exploring the cultures that are exposed there through people themselves – I guess especially the American.
Your point about how many people have the need to show off on YouTube is really fascinating. Could it be the lack of other communication? ...No, I don’t think we are this far yet, but certainly it is another way of presenting our egos…:)
See you in class! nina
Hi Caroline!
Honestly, I had never considered YouTube as a serious and reliable learning tool either, but I have to admit that everything on the Web can be exploited in an unpredictable though extremely effective way! Think about the fact that, just a couple of months ago, not many people knew what YouTube was and now, willing or not, even my grandma knows what the site is about! That’s impressive!
As Nina said, I really appreciated your comment about the general tendency of showing off. Maybe YouTube is just another fashion that won’t last long or maybe not…who knows!?
In the meanwhile, I’m looking forward to seeing how we can take advantage of it for the purposes of our course!
See you soon
Hi Caroline!
I do not want to be repetitive and say the same things you, Nina and Alessia have already said, but…I must point out that I had never thought about using this website for educational purposes, either… :-) I have always surfed through it just for fun, and I agree with you when you say entertainment will probably remain the main thing people look for on YouTube. It is true that movies, radio and more “serious” podcasts are more appropriate for learning, but I am sure we can find useful stuff on YouTube as well…We just need to be patient and search through thousands and thousands of videos :-) As I have already written in previous comments, I think the videos Sarah posted on the forum are good examples of how we can watch something funny, clever and at the same time listen to native speakers of English. Isn’t that great?
There is no doubt that the two guys who invented YouTube are simply geniuses. After all, this website is nothing special, it is just a place where people can upload their videos and share them with the rest of the world; but the fact is that nobody had this idea before, they really made a web-revolution. As Alessia said, YouTube might be merely a fashion which will be soon forgotten…All we can do is wait and see…But I do not know, I have the impression it will not end up like this ;-)
Sometimes I also ask myself why people decide to “broadcast themselves”…Of course there is the tendency of showing off in our society, just switch on the TV and you will find realities and talk-shows almost everywhere. I wonder how some people can talk about their own business in front of the whole country…Crazy, I would never ever do that ;-)
Maybe Nina is right, nowadays people prefer presenting themselves through a screen than getting to know the others in person…That could be due to a lack of other ways of communication…Or we may be just more insecure than in the past…Ok, I won’t continue any longer :-)
See you in class!
"The need to show yourself to the world"...this sentence has immediately catched my attention!!What a great truth!You're definetekly right, Caroline!It seems that people are looking forward to show themself to so many people from all ove rthe world!!But honestely I think that sometimes it is just to make a joke for your friends...obviously it depends on how you do it.I mean,people should think about what are they doing and what could be the reaction of the people involved in the video!Now that I'm registered maybe I'll upload some videos of my friends:-)
I also agrre with you when you say that other tools wopuld be better to improve opur English..there're so many funny videos on Youtube that catch our attention that we would not use it for educational purposes!
Have a great weekend!
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