I enjoyed searching for websites in delicious. This time I focussed on tags like English, language and phonetics. It's really incredible how many websites deal with language learning and correct pronunciation. I played around a lot with the tools they offer you in order to 'train your ear' and pronounce words and letters correctly.
When I started exploring in del.icio.us I wasn't aware of how useful social bookmarking really is. I realized that it was a good way to share different websites within our group. However, I totally forgot about how much better it is not to save every single url I am interested in on my computer!! This is what I like best about del.icio.us.
As far as the choices of my peers are concerned, I think we focussed on quite the same tags ( English, dictionary, writing, listening etc. ). Anyway, it was very interesting to see what they chose as their favorite websites. I, too, tried to post the Online Etymology Dictionary that Nina found but, unfortunately, my Internet Explorer didn't want me to post it and then I didn't remember the url. I'm so happy she put it among her favorites. It's so interesting to see where certain expressions come from and when they first appeared. Thanks Nina!!
Another website I really liked in particular was chosen by Eleonora about how to write business letters. I would like to work in a company, too, and sooner or later I will have to write formal letters, I guess. Therefore, it's useful to know where I can look for some good advice.
I think everybody did a great job and I found it very interesting to go through what my peers have chosen this time, even if the tags where quite the same as mine. It was interesting to see how those similar websites arrange the same topics and options such as listening and comprehension exercises in a different way.
See you soon! Caroline
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